All About Android

Showing posts with label jellybean. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jellybean. Show all posts

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Sony Xperia M receiving Android 4.3 update

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Sony is rolling out Jellybean 4.3 update to Xperia M which has is quiet popular among youth as it looks and runs good. The single sim version of phone is currently receiving update and this takes the build number to 15.4.A.0.23. According to Sony Official Changelog Changes are This upgrade for your Xperia™ smartphone includes many improvements, such as: Google Android 4.3 (Jellybean), bringing smooth UI and graphics enhancements New...

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Jelly bean Now on 59.1 percent of android phones.

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Google released android version chart for the month of January 2014 and looks like google strategy of launching three versions of jellybean helped them as now jellybean is part of 59.1% of total android phones that are active. In the latest chart it can be noted that Kitkat is slowly growing with 1.4% share and froyo is almost in existent with 1.3% share. Gingerbread still forms 1/5th share of total active phone and Ice Cream Sandwich...