Alcatel launched A3 10 4G Android tablet in India back in June last year with 2GB RAM and 16GB storage. Today it has launched the 3GB RAM with 32GB storage version in the country. The cameras have also been upgraded to 8-megapixel on the back and 5-megapixel on the front. Other specifications are same, including a 10.1-inch (1280 x 800 Pixels) display, quad-core MediaTek 8735B processor, Android 7.0 (Nougat) and 4G LTE connectivity via SIM and support for voice calling through headset or speaker. It has dual speakers with Arkamys audio, ergonomic design with a 3D textured back and packs a 4600mAh battery with up to 18 hours talk time and battery life of up to 7 hours on a single charge. Alcatel A3 10 (2018) specifications 10.1-inch (1280 x 800 pixels) multi-touch display 1.1 GHz quad-core MediaTek MT8735B processor 3GB RAM, 32GB internal storage, expandable memory up to 128GB with microSD Android 7.0 (Nougat) OS 8MP rear camera 5MP front-facing camera Dimensions: 260 x 155 x 8.95mm; Weight: 465g 3.5mm audio jack, Dual Speakers 4G LTE (with voice calling), WiFi b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.2, A-GPS, USB OTG 4600mAh battery The new Alcatel A3 10 version comes in Volcano Black color, is priced at Rs. 11,999 and is available exclusively on Flipkart. Commenting on the ...
from Fone Arena
from Fone Arena
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