A lot of leaks and rumors regarding Google's mid range Pixel smartphone has been all over the internet. Recently, Google accidentally leaked the name of the smartphone i.e., Pixel 3a on its official store and the company recently put up a teaser on its website that says 'Something big is coming to the Pixel universe'. Today, Flipkart has posted the same teaser hinting that Pixel 3a/3a XL might be launching in India on 8th May. Flipkart has posted a teaser on its homepage that says 'Losing sight after twilight'? which suggests that the teaser might be referring to the low light capabilities of the upcoming Pixel 3a/3a XL smartphones. Alongside this, another teaser on Flipkart says 'Help is on the way. Something big is coming to the Pixel universe on 8th May' with an image of a smartphone. This clearly suggests that the Pixel 3a/3a XL will be launched on 8th May in India and will be sold via Flipkart. Pixel 3a is rumored to flaunt a 5.6-inch FHD+ OLED 18.5:9 display and is said to be powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 670 Octa-core SoC. On the other hand, Pixel 3a XL is rumored to flaunt a 6-inch FHD+ OLED 18.5:9 display and is ...
from Fone Arena http://bit.ly/2VEy6yy
from Fone Arena http://bit.ly/2VEy6yy
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