PayPal India, today, launched its OneTouch experience in India using Google Smart Lock thereby removing the hassle of repeatedly needing to log in. With One Touch, consumers will no longer have to retrieve their credit and debit card details to make purchases on their smartphones. Having said that, this allows Indian consumers to register their Android device with PayPal and enables them to stay logged into the platform for all subsequent PayPal purchases on that device. However, consumers once logged in will still need to go through the 2FA step to complete the transaction as per applicable regulations. Notably, India will be the first market where the feature will be integrated with Google Smart Lock. Additionally, PayPal’s Buyer Protection feature will provide another layer of safety to this feature for eligible transactions. If items purchased online do not match the description of the product that was sold to the consumer, PayPal’s Buyer Protection feature enables them to claim a refund for eligible transactions. Commenting on the same, Narsi Subramanian, Director, Growth, PayPal India stated: As payment systems evolve, it is essential for the platforms to simplify the process and render better user experiences for consumers while paying online. At the same time, it is critical ...
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