Realme launched the Realme 3 smartphone in March starting at Rs. 8999 for the 3GB RAM with 32GB storage version and the 4GB RAM with 64GB storage version at Rs. 10,999. Now it has launched a new 3GB RAM with 64GB storage version at Rs. 9,999 that sits between the two versions, aimed at those who need more storage, but don't want to spend slightly more. It is already on sale on Flipkart. Phone Variant Price Realme 3 3GB+32GB Rs. 8,999 3GB+64GB Rs.9,999 4GB+64GB Rs.10,999 This comes after the new Realme 3 Pro 6GB RAM with 64GB storage version that was launched last week for Rs. 15,999. Realme 3 specifications 6.2-inch (1520 x 720 pixels) 19:9 HD+ IPS display with 450 nits brightness, Corning Gorilla Glass 3 protection Octa Core MediaTek Helio P70 12nm processor (Quad 2.1GHz Cortex A73 + Quad 2GHz Cortex A53 CPUs) with 900MHz ARM Mali-G72 MP3 GPU 3GB RAM with 32GB storage / 4GB RAM with 64GB storage, expandable memory up to 256GB with microSD Dual SIM (nano + nano + microSD) Android 9.0 (Pie) based on ColorOS 6.0 13MP rear camera with LED flash, f/1.8 aperture, PDAF, 2MP secondary camera with f/2.4 aperture 13MP front-facing camera, f/2.0 aperture Splash and dust-proof 3.5mm audio jack, FM Radio Dimemensions: 156.1 x 75.6 x 8.3 ...
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