Amazon launched Amazon Pay UPI for seamless transactions on Android in February this year. The company partnered with Axis bank to issue UPI IDs to its customers and allowed them to link their bank account on their Amazon mobile app and make fast, easy, and secure payments directly from the bank account. Today, Amazon has launched person to person (P2P) payments through UPI for Android users with a launch offer. Amazon users can now make instant bank-to-bank transfers using UPI platform on the Amazon app and users can use this functionality to settle bills/expenses with friends, lend/return money to family, pay rents, pay for services like house-help, newspaper bills, milk subscription and more. Users can also make payments by scanning UPI QR codes using the Amazon app. As a part of launch offer, Amazon Pay users can get up to Rs. 120 cashback on sending Money through UPI. How to make payments through Amazon Pay UPI? Note:- Send/Receive money works only on Amazon's Android app as of now Open the Amazon app and sign in to your Amazon account Click on the Hamburger menu and navigate to 'Amazon Pay' On the Amazon Pay page, click on 'Send Money' You will get three options on the next ...
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