OnePlus 7 series is launching globally on May 14 and there have been a lot of leaks and rumors about the smartphones on the internet. Recent leaks suggested that OnePlus 7 is expected to come in the standard edition, OnePlus 7 Pro, OnePlus 7 Pro 5G versions and an official tweet also confirmed the triple camera setup on the OnePlus 7 Pro. Today, a new report from Wired confirms that OnePlus 7 Pro will come with a 3x zoom camera. We know that OnePlus 7 Pro will come with a Triple Rear Camera setup and today, and now it is confirmed that one of the cameras will have support for 3x zoom. OnePlus says that in their previous models, they wanted to make sure the camera lens did not stick out too much and hence for the OnePlus 7 Pro, the company is said to have received user's input and bring the zoom capability to the smartphone. The report also adds that there is support for 10x digital zoom and camera interface on the OnePlus 7 Pro is plain and simple and is almost similar to OnePlus 6T's camera interface. Based on the sample images taken by the Wired on the OnePlus 7 Pro's 3x zoom camera, it ...
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