HONOR has announced discounts on its various lineup of smartphones during Flipkart's Super Sale week which is starting from April 23rd till April 29th, 2019. The company is offering discounts on 10 smartphones and says that buyers can save up to Rs.9,999 on a single smartphone. During the Flipkart Super Sale Week, HONOR is offering discounts on its various range of smartphones. The 4GB RAM + 128GB storage variant of HONOR 9N 4GB RAM will be available for Rs.11,999 along with 4GB+64GB and 3GB+64GB variants for Rs.9999 and Rs.8999 respectively. Additionally, discounts will also be applicable to HONOR 10Lite, HONOR 7A, HONOR 7S, and HONOR 9i devices. HONOR and Flipkart are also offering “Complete Mobile Protection” offer for Rs. 99, which covers screen damage, water damage, hardware & software defects along with convenient pick and drop facility. Apart from this, under "Suprise Exchange Offer", buyers can avail additional discount from Rs.250 to Rs. 1000. Model HONOR 10 Lite HONOR 9 Lite HONOR 9N HONOR 7A HONOR 7S HONOR 9i Version 3GB+ 32GB 4GB+ 64GB 3GB+ 32GB 4GB+ 64GB 3GB+ 64GB 4GB+ 64GB 4GB+ 128GB 3GB+ 32GB 2GB+ 16GB 4GB+ 64GB MRP(INR) 13999 16999 13999 16999 13999 15999 19999 10999 8999 19999 Discount 2000 3000 5500 7000 5000 6000 8000 3500 3000 9999 Selling price(INR) 11999 13999 8499 9999 8999 9999 11999 7499 5999 10999
from Fone Arena http://bit.ly/2GvGHKb
from Fone Arena http://bit.ly/2GvGHKb
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