Intel launched the Core i9 Desktop processor in October 2018 which was the first consumer CPU to reach up to 5GHz clock speeds. Today, Intel has introduced its new 9th Gen mobile H-series processor with up to 5GHz speed for high-end laptops including gaming laptops and will be available starting today. Intel has launched the new 9th Gen Core i9, Core i7 and Core i5 CPUs for high-end laptops including laptops under the 'Coffee Lake' architecture. Intel says that the new processors are designed for gamers and creators who would like to push their experience to the next level. The company also adds that there are 580 million enthusiast PC gamers and 130 million PC-based content creators today who care about raw performance as much as they do responsiveness of their PC. Intel Core i9-9980HK The first of the three new CPUs is the 9th Gen Intel Core i9-9980HK processor and is meant to be similar to the desktop processor but in a mobile form factor. It has a base clock speed of 2.4GHz and can be clocked up to 5GHz. Also, it is the first Intel Core i9 mobile processor with up to 5 GHz with Intel Thermal Velocity Boost, 8 cores, and 16 ...
from Fone Arena
from Fone Arena
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